The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange Wiki

Welcome to My Fruit-mare is the 16th episode in The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange. It was directed by David Skelly, and written by Tom Sheppard.


The episode begins in what seems to be a boiler room. Orange, who was in confusion asks where he is and suddenly hears evil laughter, which happens to be a famous dream killer Teddy Juicer (parody of Freddy Krueger) Teddy chases Orange to get him as he runs away from Teddy but only for Orange to end up into a dead end so much to his Horror and just as Teddy is about to get him as Orange cries “No…!” as the camera zooms in his mouth. But the dream ends when Pear wakes him up just before Orange got juiced. Orange tells Pear he had a horrible dream about Teddy Juicer, but Pear says he is not real. Orange, Passion, and Coconut, however, have "reliable" sources. Just as Grapefruit falls asleep, he is in the attacked by Teddy and gets juiced from the inside-out. He says that he is okay, but Nervile comes in and drinks Grapefruit. He spits out Grapefruit's seed and then says that he is still okay and is carried away by an eagle. Nerville, however, bought a new friend, Guava. Coconut then right now informs Nerville about Grapefruit. Nerville then asks what happened to Grapefruit, and after many various questions, Orange tells Nerville that it was a dream monster (Teddy Juicer) that got him. Nerville starts panicking and thinks he needs to discount sell all of them in order to save them, but Orange says that Teddy Juicer can only get them when there asleep so they try and stay awake forever. That works... but until after 72 hours and 3 minutes, they eventually become warn out and fall asleep and 3 fruits Persimmon, Lime and Pineapple get attacked. Orange is able to wake the others up by dumping a bucket of ice on them, but it backfires after the cold water shorts out the sound system. Soon, even more fruits goes to sleep and gets attacked by Teddy. Finally, Orange turns to "idea 2" that if everyone goes to sleep at the same time, they will be able to fight Teddy Juicer in the Dream World and deal with him. After finally forcing himself to sleep, Orange notices Pear and Passion on chains, while all the fruits that Teddy had got/attacked are into a dead pile. After Teddy sings a musical, Orange ends up on chains with Pear and Passion. Then, of course, he starts doing his crude joke routine, making Teddy so frustrated. Suddenly, Guava shows up, sporting a pair of legs. When Orange asks where he got them, Guava tells him that he incidentally got them in the Dream World. Orange puts his imagination to work. First, he teleports himself off the chains, and then dreams up a bunch of stuff that he always wanted. Pear informs Orange that he should be dreaming up things that would be helpful in the main battle. So Orange gives Pear and Passion butterfly wings to fly away, and them gives himself a pair of arms. But Teddy uses "limb removal spray" and removes Orange's arms - and Guava's legs. Teddy then attacks Guava (and gets added to the dead fruit pile offscreen). Teddy tries to grab Orange, but Orange keeps dodging his grappling arm and throwing cruel puns at him. Teddy is so pissed-off, he throws down Orange and tells him to get out of the domain. Finally, Orange summons a 1-ton weight, and it falls on and crushes Teddy. After Orange and the others wake up, all the fruits that Teddy had got/attacked return. When Guava shows up, however, he is sporting the legs temporarily from the Dream World.


  • Teddy Juicer is a parody of "Freddy Krueger".
  • This episode is a parody of the 70s/80s trilogy film "Welcome to My Nightmare"
  • The following list of fruits that Teddy had attacked/got were;
  1. Grapefruit
  2. Persimmon
  3. Lime
  4. Pineapple
  5. Grandpa Lemon
  6. Apple
  7. Tomato
  8. Guava (added to the dead pile offscreen)